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Vaccine 101

Waning Vaccine Immunity - Measles & Mumps

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Chapter 3: Article 4

Today, when people say "Vaccines work!" they believe that means "Vaccines create Immunity!" or herd immunity, etc. Those phrases have been used so often, interchangeably, and the phrase interchange has been showcased by the highest levels of government. One example can be witnessed during education provided by the CDC. During a webinar on measles, the nurse educator repeatedly said that prior receipt of "two measles vaccines," is "evidence of immunity."

But what happens if vaccine induced antibodies are short lasting? Did you know that mumps antibodies begin fading after 5 years? And did you know that for decades now, the final MMR vaccine has been administered between age 4 and 6.

That means mumps antibody levels begins wearing off by age 9 to 11.

In the USA, the adult population constitutes 77.4% of all Americans. So, if mumps vaccine derived anti-bodies begin wearing off between age 9 and 11, that means the majority of the vaccinated adult population cannot be considered immune. 

Worse than that, in most provinces in Canada, the childhood vaccination schedule changed in 2021, moving the second dose of MMR vaccine from age 4-6 year, to age 18 months of age. So now in Canada, waning immunity for mumps will occur even earlier, at 6-7 years of age.

Let's spend some time looking at three documents published by the CDC, about measles, mumps, and the MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps & Rubella). 

The first CDC document is published on their website, and its title is "Recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for Use of a Third Dose of Mumps Virus–Containing Vaccine in Persons at Increased Risk for Mumps During an Outbreak." Here they provide the following information (emphasis mine):

A substantial increase in the number of mumps outbreaks and outbreak-associated cases has occurred in the United States since late 2015. To address this public health problem, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reviewed the available evidence and determined that a third dose of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is safe and effective at preventing mumps. 

...The guidance was based on limited data and provided criteria for health departments regarding when to consider use of a third dose in specifically identified target populations. 

...Three epidemiologic studies provided evidence regarding use of a third dose of MMR vaccine for prevention of mumps, all conducted in outbreak settings among populations with high coverage with 2 doses of MMR vaccine (schools and a university)...[One] study... found that students who had received 2 doses of MMR vaccine ≥13 years before the outbreak had nine or more times the risk for contracting mumps than did those who had received the second dose within the 2 years preceding the outbreak.

Mumps outbreaks have occurred primarily in populations in institutional settings with close contact or in close-knit communities...even where coverage with 2 doses of MMR vaccine is high. Waning of vaccine-induced immunity with time after receipt of the second vaccine dose in high intensity exposure settings typical of outbreaks contributes to this higher risk for mumps disease in these settings.

A third dose of MMR vaccine has at least a short-term benefit for persons in outbreak settings. 

The second CDC paper we'll look at was published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases in 2015. This research states (emphasis mine):

Two doses of MMR vaccine are generally sufficient to provide long-lasting protection against measles. Nonetheless, measles virus (MeV) is one of 3 viruses targeted by the MMR vaccine, and third doses have been administered during mumps outbreaks among highly vaccinated populations.

...A modest but [statistically] significant boost in [measles virus] geometric mean neutralizing antibody concentrations occurred 1 month and 1 year after [a third dose of MMR], compared with baseline. However, almost all subjects were [measles virus] seropositive prior to receiving [a third dose of MMR], and subjects' antibody levels returned to near-baseline levels 1 year after vaccination.

And the third CDC document (pdf and video) to show you today was published in August 2018. This document is from the CDC's Pink Book Webinar Series. After quoting their statements I'll explain those statements in greater detail. This document states (emphasis mine):

  • Post vaccination serologic testing to verify immunity is not recommended

  • Documented, age-appropriate vaccination supersedes the results of subsequent serologic testing

  • MMR vaccination for persons with 2 documented doses of measles- or mumps-containing vaccine or 1 dose of rubella-containing vaccine with a negative or equivocal measles titer is not recommended. These persons should be considered to have presumptive evidence of immunity

  • [Health Care Personnel] with 2 documented, appropriately spaced doses of MMR are not recommended to be serologically tested for immunity; they are considered immune

  • IF they are tested and results are negative or equivocal for measles, mumps, and/or rubella, NO additional MMR doses are recommended

In the video the nurse educator repeatedly emphasizes that getting your titers tested to measure your antibody levels after receipt of the MMR vaccine, is not recommended. As she puts it, these vaccinated people are presumed to be immune. She explains that if a person has their antibody titers measured and if that testing determines the person has inadequate antibody levels to meet the standard believed necessary to confer immunity, then the health practitioner should disregard the laboratory measurement and continue to presume the individual is immune. 

When you evaluate the statements made by the CDC in those three CDC produced documents (as well as the research discussed in the previous article), it's as though they are saying:

If you've received two MMR vaccines long ago, we can't offer you any more protection from the illness, but we'll tell you you're immune to re-assure you, so you don't panic. Don't get your titers tested. Now, if you do get your titers tested and discover you have inadequate antibody levels, pretend you didn't learn that. Unfortunately there's no point in getting another booster shot because that won't help. A booster shot won't increase your antibody levels for a worthwhile amount of time. So all we can do at this point is continue to presume you're immune even though your antibodies levels don't meet the standard that we established as being necessary in the past. Back then, we relied solely on a quantifiable scientific laboratory measurement to conclude whether or not a person is immune, but today, we've determined that immunity is actually as much a mindset as it is a scientifically agreed upon number."

I'll conclude this article by quoting the 2012 Institute of Medicine review titled Adverse Effects of Vaccines, Evidence of Causality (pg 104), it states:

Measles-related mortality is highest for infants, young children, and adults with decreased risk in older children and adolescents.

Based upon the information provided on the 3 CDC webpages and Merck Manual, which I quoted from in the previous article, those sources informed us that in the pre-vaccine era, the groups most likely to experience measles were older children and adolescents, and those populations have the best outcomes when faced with the illness. Through those sources we also learned that mass vaccination has shifted which populations experience the illness now.

When outbreaks occur today, the populations most likely to acquire the illness are infants, preschool aged children, and adults - and these populations are the ones most likely to experience complications or death from the illness.

That fact is incredible.

We've been told that the point of vaccination is to create herd immunity, that the point of herd immunity is to protect vulnerable populations. In contrast, mass vaccination against measles has done the opposite. Vaccination has shifted the illness trend, making the vulnerable populations more susceptible today than they were before the vaccine was used. Presently, measles outbreaks are still small and infrequent, but based upon waning antibody levels and booster shots which do not offer long term lasting antibodies, it's likely that outbreaks in coming years are going to grow in size, frequency and severity.

When you read the information provided by media and by these various pro-vaccine sources, you come to realize that present theories, statements, projections forecasted, and current statistics gathered, all contradict past messaging. 

CONTINUE to the next article: Ch3: Article 5

Article Sources

  • Alberta, Canada vaccine schedule - 2nd dose of MMR received at 18 months Here

  • CDC - Vaccination Coverage in US Kindergarteners (2013-2014 School Year) Here

  • Oxford Academy - Persistence of MMR Antibodies, A 20 Year Follow-Up Here

  • Oxford Academy - Is Mumps Vaccine Effective Enough Here

  • CDC - vaccination coverage levels 1962-2016 Here

  • Research - 3rd Dose of MMR doesn't improve immune response for measles Here

  • CDC Recommendation 3rd dose of MMR for mumps Here

  • CDC says don't get your titers tested pdf Here and video Here

  • IOM 2012 Review - Adverse Effects of Vaccines, Evidence of Causality Here

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