Table of Contents
If you are wondering "Why on earth?!" some people are hesitant about vaccines, this website will walk you through those reasons in an organized and step by step fashion.
The Online BOOK
This free online book is structured as a series of articles (all are 2000 words or less) that you read in order. Currently, there are 60 articles within ten chapters. Keep in mind it's best to read the articles in order, as the basic information and concepts presented early on will later grow in detail with subsequent articles.
Important Articles
In the Table of Contents below, this * means that that article is critical to read because it contains a must watch video, or must read interview or research, or the content is critical to understand before moving forward.
​Each article title below is a direct link to that page.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Background - Research & Regulation
Chapter 3: Vaccine Effectiveness
Chapter 4: Vaccine Safety
Chapter 5: Design of Vaccine Testing
Chapter 6: HPV - Testing Analysis
Chapter 7: After Licensing
Chapter 8: Media & Policy
Chapter 10: The Foundations of Medicine
Scientific Research Corruption
Chapter 11: More System Failures